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    Getting Out of Your Own Way

    Throughout the past decade (or more) of my life I’ve dealt with some pretty difficult “life events”. If you’ve read my stories, you know most of them. I was married young and became a mother at the age of twenty.…

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    Soul Searching

    Well, it’s a new year and I’m not buying into the usual trope of “New Year New Me”. Those expressions nauseate me. I am, however, needing to make some major changes in my life. Now is as good a time…

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    Endlessly Waiting

    Picking up my laptop to find the words to express what exactly I’m feeling lately is apropos to the blank page staring back at me. I feel blank. Void of the hope I once had for the future. Numb to…

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    In The Meantime

    Loneliness is starting to creep in like an old familiar friend. I don’t particularly like hanging out with this old friend but I know that I have to sit with this boring killjoy in order to feel what I need…

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    I’ve had a couple of weeks to process (and admittedly ruminate) on my recent “encounters” with men. When I meet someone that I’m attracted to and they are seemingly interested in me, I often size them up in just a…

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    Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written but I felt the need to get my thoughts and feelings down on paper to help me process the shit show that is my love life.   Around this time last year,…

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    Lately I’ve been doing a lot of self-reflection. Looking in the mirror can often be difficult when you don’t like what you see. I suppose everyone has parts of themselves they don’t like, but I find that my inner voices…

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    Where I’ve Been…

    It has been so long since I wrote anything that I’m not even sure if I still know how. This last year has really thrown me for a loop. Just when you think things can only go up, I was…

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    Wants vs. Needs

    I’m beginning to think that I’ve past the point of no return. I have entered the sweet spot of enjoying my freedom living the single life. Trust me it takes a lot to get here but I’ve finally settled into…

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    Who Needs a Man?

    It has been months since my last post and I was beginning to question if I’d ever write again or have anything to write about. Since I wrote about my failed “Cuffing Season” back in November, I had to quickly…